The Fate of That Podcast

Episode 1: Russell's Good Notes

The journey begins in earnest! Russell has dutifully prepared for the occasion with an earnest passion. Is Jojo not actually as wild as they thought it would be? Why are these men so BIG? Let's dig into the family's reactions to Episodes 1 and 2 of Part 1: Phantom Blood.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Russell Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 2: Three Foot Tall Sexy Dio Poster

The family presses onwards into episodes 3 and 4 of Part 1, where we can really sink our teeth in. Is Magic Sunlight Karate Breathing a good magic system? DID Jack the Ripper come out of a horse with his body full of knives? Is Dio actually incredibly _un_sexy? Let's get into it.

(Sorry for the delays, folks! It Be Like That Sometimes.)


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Russell Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

Check us out on twitter

Episode 3: Jonathan’s Trail Mix Ab Storage

The family must wade through the deep, murky waters that are episodes 5 and 6 of Part 1 as Vain continues to reassure everyone that this show is good, he promises. Look, sometimes in life you have to eat your vegetables before dessert! Patience is a virtue.

(If you couldn't already tell, we are officially switching to a bi-weekly update schedule! Our next episode should be up on March 22nd.)


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Russell Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 4: Dio Become Wristwatch?

We did it, everybody. We finished Phantom Blood. Let's unpack episodes 7, 8, and 9 and reflect on the kickoff of our grand adventure. Part 1 sure was some anime episodes that happened, huh? And you can watch them? Riveting. May the family be blessed with optimism and unearned trust in Vain as we move forward.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Russell Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 5: He Has Amino Acids!

DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK! You fool. Did you think we forgot about this podcast? Of course not. Our family is simply entirely comprised of people with ADHD. Doing Things is quite a feat when we manage it. Anyway! We started Part 2: Battle Tendency! Episodes 1 and 2! Vain is finally going to be able to convince Russell and Ërb that Jojo is a good show, actually! I'm using a lot of exclamation parts because I'm excited!


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Listen. We love this show. We really do. But also, we are so tired of [WORLD WAR 2 GERMAN SOLDIERS] in media. Stroheim is NOT a cool guy you can share a brew with. However, it's also really funny when the melty villain fingers people's heads, so all is not lost. (This is Part 2, Battle Tendency, episodes 3-4. For better or for worse!)


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 8: Geography Joestar's Civil War Squirt Gun

Welcome back! We fucked up! The files from episode 7 have been lost to the cruel grip of tech issues, so we bring you our thoughts on episodes 7 & 8 of Battle Tendency. We learned a lot about history during this one, and we hope you do too.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 9: Anotha Guy Cut In Half

The world's most professional podcast hosts have watched Episodes 9 & 10 of Battle Tendency, and boy are they coherent. You've never heard podcasting this good before. Listen to some great sentences like, "Vampire bad and big strong immortal men stone mask kill people bad wrong?". They're making each other laugh a lot, so it's fine, probably?


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

Check us out on twitter!

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Episode 10: Anime Battle Diapers

This recap of episodes 11 & 12 of battle tendency has everything you need. We talk about piss. We talk about riding vampires like a horsey. We stop to take a look at some stuff on Google images real quick. Hold on, this is important.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 11: Jojo Juicebox

What is man, but a Ziploc bag of pudding floating through the wind? Is anime character biology different than ours; just big men full of juice? Our analysis of episodes 13 and 14 of Battle Tendency may or may not have the answers.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

Check us out on twitter!

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Episode 12: Volcano Space Experiments

Folks: We did it. We finished Part 2. It's been such an incredible ride of batch recording parts 1 and 2 a long time ago and then uploading basically monthly. Thanks for sticking with us!

Anyway, more importantly, Ërb thinks if your body slams into hard rock with the force of an object re-entering the atmosphere from space, it's totally reasonable to survive that. What the fuck do we know, I guess.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

Check us out on twitter!

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Episode 13: That's Good Coffee!

THE TIME IS NIGH! We've finally made it to the much-anticipated Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. It's time to talk stands. Insufferable teenagers. A mountain of dropped plot threads and confusing symbolism. Did you know Star Wars took place in the 1940s?


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

Check us out on Twitter!

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Episode 14: Menacing Spoon

It's time for the family to embark on our 50-day journey to Egypt to save our damsel in distress! The mental adjustment into the Part 3 mindset is still underway. Be careful: if your airplane is crashing into France, IT'S NOT REALLY THERE!


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

Check us out on Twitter!

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Episode 15: Big Strong Hot Hands!

Stand Battles of The Week BEGIN! The family discusses the ancient ninja arts, real-life special move battle cries, and wasted potential. Please don't pee in the pool. It's super gross.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 16: Soul Sacrifice’s Final Balls

Look. The monkey boat? Rough stuff. Fortunately, the family DOES get to laugh about balls, Vain realizes something new, and all the desperation of trying to have things make sense continues to slowly erode. Let's sit back and enjoy the ride.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 17: The Pee Pee Poo Poo Episode

In hindsight, perhaps the immense amount of technical difficulties during both recording and editing this episode were an omen we should have heeded. However, it was of utmost importance that we deliver unto you The Pee Pee Poo Poo Episode: 25 uninterrupted minutes of bathroom humor with some discussion sprinkled in.

This is your warning; consider skipping this one if you don't want to hear about pee and poop. Why else would you be here, though?


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 18: Transformers! Robots Are Some Guys!

The Boys are up way past their bedtimes and totally ready to record an episode. And buddy, they said some words into some microphones. Join as we discuss Disney's Cars, bug bites, and just bring some really great energy "into the studio" tonight.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 19: Baby You're Like A Cartoon Cheese

Hi, everyone! Remember us? Turns out, we're still alive! Get yer dose of family Jojo talk, hot and fresh out of the oven! We're going over the Justice arc today. Get sucked up lol


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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Episode 20: Osmosis Jones Yaoi

Well it's been a year. Literally and spiritually. A lot has gone down, and our lives have gone through some changes. So we're not sure about the future of this podcast. For now, we will say farewell, but here's one last episode where you can hear about our future project, the Osmosis JoJo podcast. Check back in from time to time, we may have some more news for you on our future endeavors.


Vain Tazetta Russell Cooper Ërb Cooper

Editing by: Ërb Cooper

Theme Song: Crazy My Beat- Coda

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