The Fate of That Podcast

Our Story

Avid fan of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Vain Tazetta, knew that their brother and father would never watch the series of their own volition, even with such an enthusiastic recommendation.

After some thought, Vain came up with an ingenious plan. Start a podcast together and give them all accountability to watch the whole thing because it's now content.


Vain Tazetta

  • Younger Sibling
  • Has watched Jojo so many times they could give a perfect synopsis by heart.
  • Anime fan since childhood, unfortunately.

Russell Cooper

  • Older Sibling
  • Self-described "Naruto fan, not anime fan"
  • Often watches assigned episodes with his girlfriend who definitely does not like Jojo at all.

Ërb Cooper

  • Father
  • Likes to stand in the room while Vain watches something with the implication he's just passing through.
  • Once told Vain "It has to be something with little animal creatures." when asked if he wanted to watch an anime together.